John hampden8

Extra Curricular

The curriculum experience for students at JHGS extends beyond the timetabled curriculum, reflecting our aspiration to offer a broad and enriching experience. Our extra-curricular activities are all designed to offer students the chance to expand their skills and experience beyond the classroom. Activities take place both within the school day through our range of clubs, societies and groups, as well as outside of normal school hours into the evening, weekend and holidays.

In addition, nearly every department has additional clubs which run at lunchtimes and sometimes after school too. There is a slightly  modified timetable this year due to current social distancing restrictions. Details of these activities can be found currently on their associated Google Classrooms within school and new clubs are advertised in the Parent Bulletin.

Please refer to the submenu for details of Sports, Music and Duke of Edinburgh opportunities.

Extracurricular Clubs and societies for the Autumn Term 2024

In addition to the wide range of sports clubs and squads, the following table highlights the range of options available to students in the Autumn term that are available to join. Activities take place mostly within the school day, and group leaders will be able to advise students of any equipment or materials that may be needed as appropriate.

Group sizes may be limited by available resources and facilities. Year group availability reflects age appropriate and related activities.

Please click here to view the list.

Extra Curricular i-Tech Fair, November 2021

The November 2021 i-Tec Fair (Introduction to Extra Curricular Activities)